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Company | Catholic Reli... |
Industry | NGO/IGO/INGO |
Category | Architecture/... |
Location | Tamale |
Job Status | Contractor/Co... |
Salary | GHS |
Education | Qualified |
Experience | N/A |
Job Expires | Feb 14, 2025 |
Contact | ... |
Company Profile Catholic Relief Services is the official international humanitarian agency of the Catholic community in the United States. CRS works to save, protect, and transform lives in need in more than 100 countries, without regard to race, religion or nationality. CRS’ relief and development work is accomplished through programs of emergency response, HIV, health, agriculture, education, microfinance and peacebuilding. CRS Ghana was established in 1958, a year after Ghana gained independence. In Ghana, CRS works with local partners to tackle poverty on several fronts including improving health and nutrition; increasing access to safe water and improved sanitation; promoting agriculture to enhance food security; and increasing financial assets through Savings and Internal Lending Communities. Job Description
Since 1958, CRS Ghana has maintained a close collaboration with Ghana Health Service and National Ambulance Service to design and implement health facility and community-based interventions aimed at enhancing health service delivery, accessibility, utilization, and quality within communities across the Northern Regions of Ghana. The notable achievements of CRS's health initiatives, particularly in improving maternal and caregiver health knowledge, facilitating timely referrals, and enhancing the quality of care, have positioned CRS as a significant contributor to shaping policies and strategies concerning Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health (MNCH) in Ghana.
Building on these successes, CRS Ghana secured funding from Latter-day Saint Charities (LDSC) to launch the Holistic Opportunities for Positive Engagement in Maternal and Child Health (HOPE-MCH) Project. This initiative will be implemented across ten districts in Northern Ghana, namely Gushegu, Yendi, Nanumba North, Mamprugu Moagduri, East Mamprusi, West Mamprusi, Central Gonja, West Gonja, Nabdam, and Talensi, benefitting approximately 232,590 individuals with enhanced care at 110 targeted health facilities supported by the project.
The overarching objective of HOPE-MCH is to enhance access and utilization of maternal and newborn services for children under 3 years old, their mothers, and pregnant women in Ghana. To achieve this objective, the project has delineated its activities into three interlinked and mutually reinforcing objectives: Generate community demand for skilled health services, increase accessibility to health and nutrition services and products, and enhance the provision of comprehensive and disability-friendly care. These strategic focuses aim to streamline the patient pathway to care, thereby contributing significantly to averting maternal and child morbidity and mortality in a sustainable manner.
1. Lots and Locations
Different lots for completion of the HOPE MCH infrastructure are detailed below and defined by geographical area.
Required Skills or Experience BID REQUIREMENTS
How To Apply Kindly download the following attachments: Bid Data Sheet (BDS)
Please note, employers receive numerous applications per posting and will only shortlist the most qualified candidates. Also is not involved in any decision made by an employer/recruiter and therefore does not guarantee that applications sent will result in a candidate being shortlisted/selected for that position. | ||||||||