Consultant: Policy LINK – Organizational and Leadership Development Training For Regional Agriculture Investment Coordination Units (RAICUs) In The Five Northern Regions


Company DAI
Industry International...
Category Human Resourc...
Location Tamale
Job Status Short-term
Salary GH¢ 
Education Master’...
Experience 15 years
Job Expires Aug 10, 2024
Contact ...

Company Profile

DAI is an employee-owned global development company. For 40 years, we have worked on the frontlines of international development, tackling fundamental social and economic development problems caused by inefficient markets, ineffective governments, and instability. Currently, DAI is delivering results that matter in some 60 countries. Our integrated development solutions turn ideas into impact by bringing together fresh combinations of expertise and innovation across multiple disciplines—crisis mitigation and stability operations, democratic governance and public sector management, agriculture and agribusiness, private sector development and financial services, economics and trade, HIV/AIDS and disease control, water and natural resources management, and energy and climate change. Our clients include international development agencies, international lending institutions, private corporations and philanthropies, and national governments.

Job Description




Tamale, Ghana

Project Name:

Feed the Future Ghana Policy LINK Activity


Short-Term Technical Assistance (Independent Consultant)

Period of Performance:

September - November 2024


Agriculture and Food Systems Lead, Policy LINK


A. Policy LINK
Policy LINK Ghana is a five-year activity with the overall objective of fostering behavior change that strengthens the capacity and ability of Ghanaian stakeholders to participate in a more transparent, inclusive, and evidence-based agriculture and food security policy process that leads to improved food and nutrition outcomes and broad-based economic growth. Specifically, the activity facilitates the transition towards a policy development paradigm driven by multiple stakeholders.
This approach to policy-making will strengthen the capacities of Ghana’s main agricultural policy system actors and institutions and support them to engage stakeholders traditionally excluded from decision- making,  including  academia,  financial  institutions,  the  judiciary,  civil  society  organizations  (CSOs),  non- governmental organizations (NGOs), and private sector representatives from the national, regional, and local levels.
This approach is underpinned by Policy LINK’s overarching theory of change focused on increasing human and social capital, principled engagement of policy system actors in collaborative processes, and developing mechanisms for collaborative governance and dynamic learning systems and platforms to sustain collective action.
B. Background
The erstwhile Northern Sector Agriculture Investment Coordination Unit (NSAICU), which functioned as the sub-national version of the Agricultural Sector Working Group (a national policy dialogue platform for government engagement and stakeholder coordination), played a crucial role in coordinating agriculture and food security programs and interventions in Northern Ghana. A performance review by the Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MoFA) in 2017 highlighted the NSAICU's commendable performance in achieving its objectives, particularly in facilitating dialogue among various stakeholders in the agriculture sector. It established information-sharing platforms and promoted knowledge sharing, best practices, and collaboration among stakeholders within the sector.
Despite its successes, the NSAICU ceased operations in 2018 due to the conclusion of funding from USAID.  Preliminary  consultations  with  various  stakeholders  identified  several  factors  that  affected  the unit's  sustainability.  In  response,  Policy  LINK,  in  collaboration  with  the  Policy  Planning  Monitoring  and
Evaluation Directorate (PPMED), MoFA, and sub-national stakeholders, including the Regional Agriculture Departments,   has   embarked   on  an   elaborate   process   to   re-establish   the  agricultural   investment coordination unit in the Northern Region while setting up or strengthening similar structures in the North East, Upper East, Upper West, and Savannah Regions. As part of this initiative, Policy LINK, PPMED, MoFA, Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA), and the Regional Agriculture Departments intend to engage an Organizational and Leadership Development Consultant. The aim is to enhance the capacity of the newly established RAICUs, specifically focusing on strengthening the steering committees’ organizational and leadership development skills to effectively oversee the operations of the RAICUs.
This training program is essential for enhancing the competencies of the RAICUs, enabling them to lead and coordinate stakeholders, policies, programs, and interventions effectively and efficiently in the agriculture sector. The successful functioning of these RAICUs offers numerous benefits, such as improved coordination and collaboration among various stakeholders, including investors, farmers, and government agencies. By pooling resources and expertise, RAICUs can help to manage risks associated with agricultural investments and reduce duplication of efforts. This increased cooperation can also increase agriculture sector investment, improving food security by promoting sustainable agricultural practices.
C. Objectives
Policy LINK is inviting qualified Consultant with demonstrable expertise to submit expressions of interest to undertake the following:
  • Enhance Organizational and Leadership Skills: To train members of the RAICU steering committees in essential organizational and leadership skills, including coordination, stakeholder management, group management, conflict resolution, participatory decision-making, problem- solving, and change management.
  • Develop Interpersonal Skills: To equip participants with skills in team dynamics, emotional intelligence, and effective leadership, ensuring they can effectively fulfill their mandate and contribute to the sustainability of RAICUs.
  • Enhance Fundraising Abilities: To train participants in proposal writing and fundraising techniques, enabling them to secure resources and support the ongoing sustainability of RAICUs.
D. Scope of Work
The Consultant, working in collaboration with the Regional Agriculture Departments of the Regional Coordinating Councils in the five regions of Northern Ghana and with support from the Feed the Future Ghana Policy LINK Activity, MEDA, and PPMED of MoFA, will be responsible for achieving the objectives by undertaking the following tasks:
1. Submission of an inception report
This inception report will clearly outline the work plan/schedule, methodology, and tools for the assignment.
2. Leadership Capacity Strengthening
Develop and implement a customized training program to equip the leadership and members of the RAICUs with the necessary leadership skills to spearhead initiatives and enhance their organizational capacities. This will establish them as sustainable sub-national agriculture coordinating  bodies  across  the  five  regions  of Northern  Ghana:  Northern,  Upper  East,  North East, Upper West, and Savannah.
3. Organizational and Leadership Capacity Strengthening
i. Needs Assessment: Conduct a rapid training needs assessment of the RAICUs to identify and prioritize their most urgent capacity needs, enabling them to effectively fulfill their mandate. The findings from this assessment will inform the design of the training content.
ii. Share Assessment Findings: Share the assessment findings with the Policy LINK Team for review and prioritization of training thematic areas.
iii. Leadership Training Program Design: Based on the rapid training needs assessment findings, design training content and materials and liaise with the RAICUs to develop a training schedule.
iv. Facilitation: Conduct organizational and leadership capacity enhancement training for each RAICU steering committee member.
4. Knowledge Transfer:
  • Action Planning: Assist RAICUs in creating Action Plans to implement key learnings and takeaways, ensuring structured, accountable, and effective application of knowledge for lasting impact and measurable improvements.
  • Post-Training Support: Offer three-month post-training coaching and mentoring support to RAICUs for implementing their Action Plans.
  • Proposal Writing Support: Support RAICU teams in improving proposal writing skills to secure funding from development partners (DPs) and integrate selected RAICUs into composite budget systems for enhanced sustainability.
5. Measuring Impact: Evaluating the Program's Effectiveness
  • a. Post-training Evaluation Methods: To assess the effectiveness of the training program, the Consultant will develop evaluation methods (e.g., surveys, feedback forms, or observing participants' application of learned skills in real-world scenarios) to be implemented after the program's completion.
  • b. Training Workshop Report: Prepare a comprehensive report on all training workshops, detailing the training process, content covered, key emerging issues, challenges, lessons learned, and recommendations.
E. Deliverables
1. Submission of an inception report: This report will clearly outline the work plan/schedule, the methodology, and tools for the assignment.
2. Organizational and Leadership Development Program
i. Needs Assessment: engage the members and leadership of RAICUs to identify organizational development needs, leadership capacity gaps, and needs. This could involve:
   a. Leadership and organizational development skills surveys.
   b. Focus group discussions on leadership challenges.
   c. One-on-one interviews with key stakeholders.
ii. Share Assessment Findings: Share a summary report on the rapid training needs assessment findings outlining the critical leadership and organizational capacity gaps of the RAICU with the Policy LINK Team for their review and prioritization of training focus areas and training schedule.
iii. Leadership Training Program Design: Design and implement a program tailored to RAICUs’ needs, including
a. This curriculum could include but not limited to the following:
i. Strategic Leadership (Vision setting and strategic planning, leadership styles and approaches, decision-making, and problem-solving)
ii. Organizational Governance (Roles and responsibilities of board members and executives, governance structures and best practices, ethics, and transparency in governance)
iii. Team Building and Collaboration (Building effective teams, communication, and conflict resolution, fostering a culture of collaboration)
iv. Change Management (Understanding change and its impact, leading and managing organizational change, and overcoming resistance to change)
v. Financial Management (Budgeting and financial planning, financial reporting and analysis, resource mobilization and fundraising strategies)
vi. Capacity Building and Talent Development (Assessing organizational capacity needs, developing talent and succession planning, training and development programs for staff and members)
vii. Stakeholder Engagement and Networking (Identifying and engaging stakeholders, building partnerships and alliances, advocacy and effective communication strategies)
b. Training Materials: Develop engaging materials like presentations, handouts, and case studies.
c. Expert Engagement: Consider bringing in external experts for specialized topics.
d. Training Facilitation: Deliver the training program dynamically and interactively.
e. Pre- and Post-Training Assessments: Evaluate leadership skills before and after the program to measure impact.
iv. Knowledge Transfer:
a. Action Planning: Submit RAICU-assisted action plans that enable them to implement key learnings and takeaways, ensuring structured, accountable, and effective application of knowledge for lasting impact and measurable improvements.
b. Post-Training Support: submit a monthly report on coaching and mentoring support to the RAICUs steering committees for implementing their Action Plans.
c. Proposal Writing Support: Submit reports on the support given to RAICU teams in proposal writing skills geared towards securing funding from development partners (DPs) and integration into composite budget systems of Regional Coordinating Councils.
v. Measuring Impact: Evaluating the Program's Effectiveness
a. Post-training Evaluation Methods: Design and implement a post-training evaluation method, such as:
       i. Surveys to assess participant satisfaction and skill acquisition.
       ii. Observation of leadership behavior changes post-training.
       iii. Feedback from RAICU leadership on the program's effectiveness.
b. Training Report: Produce a comprehensive report summarizing the organizational and leadership training development program, including:
       i. Training objectives and curriculum details.
       ii. Participant demographics and feedback.
       iii. Evaluation results and recommendations for future programs.
3. Final Assignment Report
Prepare a final report on the entire scope of the assignment, encompassing:
  • A Summary report on the rapid training needs assessment and training schedule.
  • A breakdown of the leadership training program design and implementation.
  • The outcomes of the training program evaluation. This includes pre- and post- training assessments to measure learning outcomes.
  • Report on coaching and mentoring support to the RAICU steering committees.

Required Skills or Experience

F. Assessment of Consultant, Responsibilities, Qualifications and Experience, Level of Effort, and Timing of Assessment
  • Experience in Needs Assessment: Evaluate consultant experience conducting needs assessments to identify organizational leadership skill gaps. (25%)
  • Curriculum Development and Training Facilitation Skills: Evaluate the consultant’s ability to design engaging and effective training programs tailored to RAICU needs and facilitation skills to ensure they can effectively deliver the leadership training program. (25%)
  • Coaching and mentorship: Evaluate the consultant’s ability to provide post-training support to RAICUs in preparation of tailored action plans, proposal writing, and implementation of proposed actions. (20%)
  • Adult Learning Expertise: Assess the consultant's understanding of adult learning principles and ability to create a dynamic learning environment. (15%)
  • Management Skills: Evaluate the consultant's project management skills to ensure they can effectively manage the assignment scope, including timelines and budget. (15%)
Required Qualification and Experience
  • A  minimum  of  a  master’s  degree  in  Organization  Development,  Organizational  Leadership,  Human Resource  Development,  Human  Resource  (HR)  Management,  Organizational  Psychology,  Business Administration, Social Sciences, Development Studies, or any other relevant discipline.
  • At least 15 years of professional experience in organizational development and leadership, including HR, management, and executive coaching roles.
  • At least 10 years’ experience in consulting for NGOs, government, and projects in the field of organizational and leadership development
  • Demonstrated knowledge and expertise in agricultural policy development, implementation, and coordination at national and sub-national levels.
  • Track record of designing and facilitating organizational and leadership training programs for senior executives and mid-level managers, etc.
  • Experience working with the agriculture and food security stakeholders in the northern part would be an advantage.
  • Experience in leading change management initiatives, conducting organizational diagnostics, and implementing team-building programs.
  • Experience in undertaking consultancy on donor-funded projects.
  • Excellent oral and written communication and presentational skills. Spoken and written fluency is required in English.
  • Be available to carry out the assignment.
Level of Effort
The indicative length of this assignment is up to 47 Level of Effort (LOE) days and must be concluded no later than the end of September 30, 2024. LOE is allocated as follows:


Estimated LOE

Submission of an inception report

3 days

Conduct rapid training needs assessment of the steering committees of the RAICUs to understand the immediate and most pressing capacity needs

5 days

Share assessment findings with the Policy LINK Team for review and prioritization of the thematic areas for the training.

2 days

Design and implement a program tailored to RAICUs’ needs. This includes:

  • Develop a curriculum covering essential leadership skills, such as strategic planning, team management, communication, and decision-making.
  • Training  Materials:    Develop   engaging   materials    like presentations, handouts, and case studies.
  • Expert Engagement: Consider bringing in external experts for specialized topics.
  • Training    Facilitation:   Deliver     the     training    program dynamically and interactively.
  • Pre- and Post-Training Assessments: Evaluate leadership skills before and after the program to measure impact.

22 days

Develop a post-training evaluation method(s) and facilitate its roll- out to assess the overall impact of the training program on leadership effectiveness.

5 days

Produce a training report

5 days

Produce a final report on the scope of work

5 days


47 days

The consultant must be available to undertake the study and start the assignment quickly, at most two weeks after signing the contract.
G. Reporting
The consultant will report to the Activity Lead/ Agriculture and Food Systems Lead, Policy LINK, or his designate and work closely with the Technical Team. Regular progress reports and deliverables shall be submitted to the above-mentioned officials.

How To Apply

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