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Getting the Most Out of Your Internship

From Apryl Duncan, for
Internships can help you learn about the inner workings of the industry while getting your foot in the door with a prospective employer. But you'll only get out of your internship what you put in it.

Learn what to expect when you walk in the door and get the most out of your internship with these tips:

Research Your Internship Beforehand
If you're into writing press releases and working with the media, you're not going to be happy working with a graphic designer or copywriter in an advertising agency. PR and advertising are different entities and it's important your internship is a good fit for you.

Be Professional
Most interns are in their early twenties and may not have worked in a professional environment before. Be respectful and show up in professional attire.

Many internships lead to full- or part-time positions within the company. The more you treat your internship as an opportunity to enhance your career, the better your chances of turning your internship into an opportunity for more responsibility and even a paid position.

Internships Don't Equal a Free Ride
Many interns go into the internship with the notion that they're not getting paid so it's not a real job. Not only is an internship a precursor to your advertising or PR career, it's your chance to meet professionals in the business and gain valuable contacts.

Be willing to work hard and do what is asked of you. Don't check for Emails from your friends, make personal calls or play on the Internet.

As mentioned before, interns are viewed as potential employees. If you're goofing off now, the bosses won't think you'll be any different when they're giving you a paycheck.


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