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Unity in Diversity


We are a diverse bunch and live in a diverse world.  It is obvious that not every religion, method, or need is going to be the same for every family.  These issues are not always a constant even with a single family.  As kids grow and change, the family’s needs change too.  

One of the discouraging things I’ve learned over the last year is that there is division in the homeschooling world.  I was very surprised to learn about it.  There is division and animosity between some groups:

  • Religious vs. non-religious
  • Support group vs. non-support group
  • Homeschooling vs. unschooling
  • HSLDA vs. non-HSLDA 

The problem is not that these differences exist, the problems arise when intolerance of the other group is displayed.

I feel that we should be pulling together and working together regardless of our differences.  We all have the same common bond of educating our children at home and wanting the best for them.  That, in itself, should be enough to pull us together.  The methods we use to accomplish that education shouldn’t really matter.  I feel we would be more effective in the world united as one, rather than as a bunch of little groups working against each other.  It’s okay to be different and to have preferences contrary to others, but we must remember that our way is not necessarily THE way for everyone.

We have a diverse group in the forum that gets along fine.  Every once in a while, a non-tolerant person will come around with an agenda of their own and try to stir up some trouble, but then the regulars prevail and things get back to normal.  The regulars in the forum are tolerant of others’ differences and are therefore, available and effective at responding to questions and needs.  I love to see the forum growing and meeting needs.  The diversity and variety of participants is what makes the forum a great place.  

I really love the forum, because I get to hear your hearts and meet you and your family in a more casual way.  I thank you for being open and honest and willing to share.  


My goals for the site remains to be:  

  • To provide material that you can use in your homeschooling endeavor
  • To be supportive and helpful to the families educating their children at home
  • To keep the most current and relevant information available at your fingertips
  • To provide an information resource for those exploring the homeschooling option

I look forward to the next year and getting to know more of you.  I’m going to try and venture out in the world a little and possibly meet some of you in person at the conventions.

Homeschooling at About remains to be a joy and something I look forward to every morning as my feet hit the floor.  I’m excited about the things I have in the works and hope that you’re enjoying the site as much as I am.


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