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How to be a Good People Manager

How to be a Good People Manager

Life as a manager is challenging, and what works in one team, or with one individual, rarely applies to all. If you can’t manage people, you can’t manage.

The key to managing well is understanding people. You need to know what makes them tick, what motivates them, and when and how they’re at their most productive. That’s often easier said than done.

You also can’t neglect your own motivations and development, as career progression doesn’t stop when you reach that coveted management role. To help you get to grips to the tricky world of management, and to be the best people manager you can be, we’ve put together the ultimate list of 50 tips for you.

Our tips fall into these categories:

Be human

Get the most out of your people

Be the best you can be

Be strategic

Set goals

Represent the company

Be fair, honest, transparent and ethical

Check the full guide from leave dates here:

Source : Leave Dates
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